PennEngineering has initiated a federal infringement action against Dongguan Fenggang Pinconn Hardware Factory (trading as “Pinconn”). The complaint alleges patent infringement, trademark infringement, false designation of origin, and counterfeiting under U.S. law, as well as common law trademark infringement and unfair competition.
PennEngineering alleged that a total of at least nine patents and trademarks were being infringed, including PennEngineering’s famous PEM family of trademarks.
PennEngineering served the complaint on Pinconn at Pinconn’s trade show booth on October 18, 2017, during the International Fastener Expo.
Simultaneously, PennEngineering served Pinconn with a Preliminary Injunction Order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The order effected removal of all Pinconn’s signage, advertising materials, and infringing product at its booth.
The Pennsylvania Court Order enjoined Pemco Hardware Inc., Dongguan Fenggang Pemco Hardware Factory, and Shenzhen Pemco Fastening Systems Co., Ltd. (collectively “Pemco”) from commercializing similar infringing products.
“The Order was enforced against Pinconn because the Order applied to corporations and companies ‘acting in concert with’ Pemco,” PennEngineering stated. “Pinconn’s website showed the close relationship between Pinconn and Pemco.”
The Pennsylvania Court Order was issued as the result of “Pemco’s failure to respond to an infringement complaint filed in Pennsylvania or to appear at a preliminary injunction hearing in Pennsylvania.”
Founded in 1942, Danboro, PA-based PennEngineering develops and manufactures precision fasteners, components and installation systems. PennEngineering celebrates its 75 anniversary this year. Web: