2/18/2014 1:20:00 AM
PERSPECTIVE: Distributor Featured for Support of U.S. Minimum Wage Increase
In her role as president of the American Small Business Chamber of Commerce, fastener distributor Cris A. Young was quoted internationally on the proposal to raise the U.S. minimum wage.
“As small businesses, we often have to pay our employees better than a living wage,” Young was quoted by Agence France-Presse, “while larger contractors get away with low pay. If everyone is paying $10.10, then the playing field is more level.”
Young, executive vice president of Canfield, OH-based Hudson Fasteners Inc., later told GlobalFastenerNews.com that the quote didn’t really represent what she emphasizes. “If you pay people a minimum of $10.10 then they go out in their own communities and spend that money. That helps their communities and that’s how we see it. How can that be bad?”
Young also noted the cost of living has gone up in past few years, but minimum wage hasn’t.
“We need as much help as we can get,” Young said of small businesses seeking federal contracts. “And that helps all of us.”
Young represents the Women in the Fastener Industry in the Fastener Industry Coalition.
Young, who started in the fastener industry in 1987, came to Hudson Fasteners from UPS and has large corporation experience.
Young said she has a management philosophy of doing things right from the start. “Many larger corporations are being forced into new socially responsible policies,” she observed. “If you instill in a company from the beginning it is easier than having it forced on you.” For example, creating a safe workplace can avoid lawsuits after injuries, Young pointed out.
Young said the Small Business chamber believes “Main Street America is desperately in need of business leaders who care about our families and our communities, and who will grow businesses in our neighborhoods restoring economic vibrancy and community vitality.”
The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce is an outgrowth of the National Association of Small Business Contractors and the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, which represents small business federal contractors. The trade association created the chamber to tackle small business and economic issues. It is participating in the National Small Business Federal Contracting Week, March 26-27, 2014, in Washington, DC. Web: americansbcc.org
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