PERSPECTIVE: What Exhibitors Say

John Wolz

Editor�s Note: Because exhibitors pay the biggest cost of trade shows, FIN contacted past fastener distribution trade show exhibitors for comments on Fastener Week 2005.
“Typical consensus seems to be that there are plenty of industry trade shows throughout the year, if not too many. Although this is the first I have heard of Fastener Week, it sounds like it would be a good show to attend based on participants and structure (CBNSA, NFDA, IFI, IFFI, etc.). Good idea to condense all areas (manufacturers, distributors, equipment manufacturing, etc.) from within our industry into one Fastener Week and in a locale so central to our industry with good accommodations and reasonable rates. My initial impression is that our company would lean toward attending one but not both spring/summer shows.”
“I think this is great news. I think the more the industry can come together in one place and include educational activities, the better we can support the domestic marketplace and support domestic assemblies with domestic components.”
“It sounds like a good idea. But it will be difficult for some companies to staff booths, attend meetings and attend the machinery shows without empty offices back home. If we can manage from a staffing level, we would support this event.”
“Yes, I like the idea for Fastener Week 2005. The combining of these groups gives the industry additional �scale� that will attract more interest from parties that have direct and indirect interests in our industry. We would probably participate in a show such as this if it was structured as an �all industry� show.”
“We will most definitely have a presence there.”
“We would undoubtedly be there, as the Chicago area is big for us. The attraction of Fastener Week to us is that in addition to seeing CUSTOMERS we will also be seeing suppliers of packaging equipment, services, etc.”
“The show promoters will have to be more creative than past promoters have been to make a combined distributor/manufacturer show effective. Fastener distributors and manufacturers have a relatively small amount of common interests. The last time this was tried in Columbus [1994] it was a complete failure, in my opinion, as I predicted before it took place. A great deal of time was spent by suppliers to fastener manufacturers wastefully explaining to distributors what they provide manufacturers � These are worthless conversations for all involved.”
“We will attend both! Fastener Week sounds exciting for us, since we are in the Chicago area. I would like to see the East show moved to Baltimore from Orlando for 2005. I think it�s important to move the East show around to key spots in the East. Boston in 2006?”
“Depending on who will exhibit and attend the Fastener Week, it could be very good. Everyone is trying to get their piece of the pie, and budgets only allow for a couple of slices. I doubt if we would do both [NIFS/East and Fastener Week].” \ �2004