8/18/2014 1:23:00 PM
Peterson, Chavis Head Pac-West for 2014-15

Rick Peterson of All-West Components & Fasteners is the new president of the Pacific-West Fastener Association and Kevin Chavis of Star Stainless is vice president. 

Peterson, who was 2008 president of the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association, succeeds Tracy Lehman of Pacific Warehouse Sales.

Dallas Puckett of Valley Nut & Bolt continues as secretary/treasurer.

The announcement was made at Pac-West’s August conference in Coeur d’Alene, ID.

New board members are Mark Beaty of Beawest Fasteners; Alison Hubbard of North State Fastener; Hans Fuller of Fuller Metric; and Clay Weaver of ITP.

Hubbard, president of the Western Association of Fastener Distributors from 2004-07, will represent Pac-West at the Fastener Industry Coalition.

Continuing on the board are Maryellen Dinicola, The Socket Source; Jennifer Harder, Empire Bolt & Screw; Tim Roberto Jr., Star Stainless Screw; and John Wachman, Desert Distribution.

Upcoming Pac-West meetings include a dinner meeting on September 23, 2014, in La Mirada, CA; and a December 4 holiday party.

Pac-West is headquartered at 10842 Noel St. #107, Los Alamitos, CA 90720. Tel: 714 484-4747 or 877 606-5232 Fax 562 684-0695  Email: info@pac-west.org  Web: pac-west.org ©2014 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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