Powers Publishes 5th Edition of Manual

John Wolz

Powers Fasteners Inc. published the fifth edition of its Specification & Design Manual. The 390-page manual updates previous editions and provides anchor technology, testing standards, construction codes and approval listings for Powers products.

Powers Fasteners supplies mechanical and adhesive anchors, roofing fasteners, gas-firing tools and powder actuated fastening systems serving construction and plant maintenance markets. The company has manufacturing facilities in Michigan, Indianapolis and Chicago; 28 U.S. regional sales locations; facilities in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Thailand, and is headquartered at 2 Powers Ln., Brewster, NY 10509. Tel: 914 235-6300 Fax 914 576-6483 E-mail: info@powers.com or engineering@powers.com Web: Powers.com �2007 FastenerNews.com