Price Changes
John Wolz
Fewer fastener companies won price increases, and more than twice as many faced decreases during 2001, but the industry is confident the first half of this year will be slightly better.
After nearly a quarter of survey respondents reported 2000 price increases, the number dropped to 17% for 2001. Decreases more than doubled from 12.1% in 2000 to 29.8% for 2001.
In the next six months only 13.5% anticipate prices going down. A majority expect no change.
Price increases last year averaged 7.7% and ranged from 1% to 17%. Manufacturers averaged 9.3%, compared with 6.5% for distributors. Conversly, manufacturers reporting price decreases averaged 8.5%, compared with 6.2% for distributors.
Manufacturers are slightly more bullish on possible price increases in 2002 than distributors. \ �2002
Did you change your fastener prices in 2001?
Do you anticipate changing fastener prices in the next six months?