Purchased Parts Names Schreve, Ladutko

John Wolz

David Schreve joined Purchased Parts Group Inc., as vice president and general manager of the traditional business unit based in Livonia, MI. Schreve has been in the industrial fastener industry for 26 years, including positions as a regional manager for W�rth/Service Supply and automotive sales manager for Avdel Cherry Textron.
Randy Ladutko was named vice president for sales & marketing for the programs & services division. Ladutko has been in the fastener industry for 20 years, including jobs with Crawford Products, W�rth/Service Supply, Whitesell Corporation and Avdel Cherry Textron.
Purchased Parts supplies Class C components, inventory
management systems, sub-assembly, packaging and specialized logistics services to OEMs. Web: purchasedparts.com. � 2001 FastenerNews.com