Riley at WAFD: Good Info Essential to Proper Testing
Jason Sandefur
When it comes to fastener test reports, knowing what you need is essential to getting what you want out of the test, according to Jim Riley, head of Stork Materials Testing & Inspection in Huntington Beach, CA.
Speaking at the spring conference of the Western Association of Fastener Distributors in Rancho Mirage, CA, Riley advised against assuming the lab knows what you want. The more information you can provide, the better your chances of getting the correct test performed.
“Make it clear what you”re looking for, as simple as that sounds,” Riley stated.
If needed, specify that you need to talk to a lab technician to ensure you”re getting the tests your customer requires. Riley urged distributors to talk to test labs to get questions answered.
“Some people call in and say, “I need a mechanical test on this, I need to know what it is.” What they really want is a chemical test.”
Providing such information as the part number, lot size and any special requirements stipulated in the customer order can help the lab figure out what specifications the part must meet or how many parts must be tested for a lot to be deemed reliable.
A test report should include such information as the part”s heat number, which ensures traceability; the lot number; the name of the manufacturer; a list of applicable specifications; and a pass/fail statement, Riley noted.
“When you hand this report to a customer, it should tell them all they need to know.”
About 60% of Stork”s business is fastener-related, and two of their seven metallurgists came directly from the fastener industry. \ �2007