RivetDirect Launches New Website
John Wolz
RivetDirect launched a new website at rivetdirect.com, president Mike Brown announced. The website includes the company’s drive rivets, rivet nuts, closed-end rivets, open-end rivets, multi-grip rivets, two-piece rivets and tools and includes specifications for each fastener type and a link to a downloadable catalog.
Founded in 2000, RivetDirect, sources from global suppliers and distributes engineered blind fasteners to small and mid-sized fastener distributors and manufacturers for boat building, RV, food processing, food service equipment, municipal signage, telecom, electrical enclosures, truck and trailers and other industries. RivetDirect is located at 450 Wildwood Ave., Woburn, MA 01801. Tel: 781 932-3826 or 866 474-8387 Fax 781 932-3829 E-mail: sales@rivetdirect.com
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