Roseman, Blattner, Beaulieu & Kahle on NFDA Fall Program

John Wolz

Economist Brian Beaulieu will give the keynote address on “Building Profits Into Tomorrow” at the National Fastener Distributors Association autumn meeting in Chicago.
Beaulieu, executive director of the Institute for Trend Research, will present an analysis of the U.S. economy, including economic forecasts, inflation, proposed tax changes, the future of the oil-based economy and outsourcing.
The NFDA Fall City Meeting will be October 4-6, 2006, at the Embassy Suites Downtown/Lakefront in Chicago.
Joel Roseman of Arnold Industries will moderate a global markets and sourcing panel, “Is the World Flat for the NFDA Member?”
Buddy Blattner of Active Screw & Fastener will teach a session on finance for managers: “The Nuts & Bolts of Finance, What Your Boss Thinks You Already Know.”
Consultant Dave Kahle of DaCo Corp. will conduct a full day workshop Wednesday on “How to Become a Master at Fastener Sales.”
On Friday the NFDA will hold its Executive Sales & Planning Sessions of one-on-one meetings between suppliers and distributors.
For NFDA information contact executive director John Hausoul. Tel: 312 527-6671 E-mail: Web: \ �2006