Rudolph, Ferenchick Lead NEFDA

Rick Rudolph of Lehigh-Armstrong is the 2009-2010 chairman and Rick Ferenchick of Arnold Industries Inc. is president of the New England Fastener Distributors Association.

Barry Carpe, All-Tech Specialty Fasteners, is vice president and Bill Lang, ND Industries, treasurer.  

Board members are: Raymond Mackenzie, Northeast Fasteners; Jay Queenin, Specialty Bolt & Screw; Richard Gower, Eckart & Finard; John Varrone, Tower Fasteners Co. Inc.; and Tim Cleary, Arnold Supply Inc.

Associate board members: Michael Lentini, Spirol International Corp.; and Pat Lang, Kanebridge Corp.

Dan Bielefield, Smith Associates, is chair of the September 24, 2009, NEFDA Table Top show in Sturbridge, MA. John Phalen, John W. Phalen Associates, is NEFDA publicity chair.

For NEFDA information contact managing consultant Joe Soja. Tel: 860 436-4652 ©2009 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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