Women in the Fastener Industry has established a scholarship fund in memory of Edith A. Cameron.

Cameron died January 16, 2011, at age 92.

WIFI described Cameron as “a pioneering woman in the fastener industry” and plans the fund will provide educational opportunities and trade show experience to women.

In 1937 Cameron began a summer job with Anti-Corrosive Metal Products Co. in Castleton, NY and the summer job became a 56-year career.

She started in fasteners during the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration. During World War II she played a key role in the metals industry and was cleared to work on the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government’s top secret program to develop the atomic bomb. During this time she was put in charge of the national nickel allocation.

“We will always think of Edith as a role model, trailblazer and a true fastener woman,” said Pam Berry Warren, a WIFI founder and co-owner of Advance Components.

In a 90th birthday interview, Cameron told FIN in 2008 that throughout her career she never found being a woman to be a problem. Though she signed business letters “E.A. Cameron” so no one would know her gender, she “never found being a woman was rough. I had to perform and do a good job and I was accepted.”

Scholarship donations may be sent to WIFI, c/o Aderman Co., P.O. Box 2571, Naperville, IL 60567-2571. E-mail: adermanco@aol.com

WIFI is designed for peers to connect, share and grow through networking with other women in the fastener industry. Login to WIFI on LinkedIn. ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com

Click on Obituaries for more information on Edith Cameron or for the full 90th birthday FIN interview click on the Fastener History section of GlobalFastenerNews.com and scroll to “2009 FIN – Cameron: Before Computers You Just Searched the Warehouse”.

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