The Southwestern Fastener Expo will be May 4, 2018 at the Westin DFW Airport Hotel.

The Expo follows the Southwestern Fastener Association’s spring conference, which begins Wednesday May 2 with an welcome reception and seminars on Thursday and Friday.

The Expo will be 12:30 pm to 4 pm Friday.

There will be a seminar on cyber security by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Thursday.

On Friday moderator Baron Yarborough of Spring Bolt & Nut and three industry panelists will discuss “Past, Present & Future.” Panelists are: Tricia Dyer, All American Threaded Products; Jake Davis, BTM Mfg.; and John Longyear, Metric & Multistandard.

Mine Yucel of the Dallas office of the Federal Reserve will give an economic forecast.

For SFA information contact executive director John Elsner. Tel: 713 952-5472 Email: Web: