Sherex Keeps Producing Rivet Nuts Despite New York Epic November Snow

It was described as an “epic” autumn snowfall, Buffalo, NY, received more than five feet of snow on November 19.  People were trapped in houses or vehicles.

Sherex Fastening Solutions LLC remained open in Tonawanda, NY – 12 miles north of Buffalo.

“Everyone is safe with no issues,” Sherex president Adam Pratt reported. “Now the worry switches to flooding!  It will all be gone likely by end of Tuesday.  It was 60 degrees Monday!”

 “We ran at ‘half-staff’ last week as half of the employees lived south of Buffalo – which got slammed – and half lived in the city or north – which only got a few inches,” Pratt told FIN.

Sherex manufactures rivet nuts that are used as attachment points in the aerospace, defense, military and general industrial markets. Web: sherex.com

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Related Links:

• Sherex Fastening