3/28/2011 2:00:00 AM
SHORTAKES: Aerospace Products SE, Atlantic Fasteners, Beta Steel Group, Big Bolt, Brighton-Best, Global Fastener Network, PAM Fastening Technology, PennEngineering and Rotor Clip
Jeff Gehring is the new president of Aerospace Products SE, announced Jeff Davis, a partner at parent company AGC Aerospace & Defense.
Since 2009 Gehring has been vice president of business development. Previously he was director of marketing and business development with a major parts distributor. He holds an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management.
APSE provides fasteners and hardware, kitting, bin management and supply chain services to commercial and military OEMs.
Founded in 1987, APSE was acquired from the Wimberly family in 2008 by Cherokee Nation Businesses and Acorn Growth Companies. APSE has facilities in San Antonio and Wichita, KS; business development offices in Oklahoma City and Salt Lake City; and is headquartered at 7738-A Madison Blvd., Huntsville, AL 35806.Tel: 256 837-8040 Web: apseinc.com
As a tribally owned small business, APSE and its customers are eligible for the Indian Incentive Act Program.
AGC Aerospace & Defense is the operating brand of Acorn Growth Companies, a private equity firm. Web: agcaerospace.com
Atlantic Fasteners launched a website for its aerospace division: AFAero.com.
The website provides access to nearly 10,000 varieties of brand-name fasteners, connectors, screws and other mil spec hardware; Defense Logistics Agency performance data; news, videos and streaming updates.
“With the increased visibility, we felt the division deserved top-notch web representation,” Atlantic Fasteners president Tony Peterson said.
“Like our newly expanded aerospace warehouse, the site is an extension of our streamlined operation, further increasing our efficiency and responsiveness,” added aerospace division manager Marc Dionne.
The employee-owned Atlantic Fasteners formed the aerospace division seven years ago. The division now has sales offices in Maine and Missouri and is headquartered at 1434 A Memorial Ave., West Springfield, MA 01089. Tel: 800 313-1487
Beta Steel Group named Schaaf & Associates as rep in seven Midwestern states.
Don Schaaf, Michael Selman and Donny Schaaf collectively have more than 50 years of experience in the cold heading wire industry. Schaaf has represented U.S. Steel, Monarch metals and Beneke Wire.
Beta Steel Group traces its steel rod and wire industry history to 1969 and has been supplying steel to manufacturers since 1985. Products include cold heading rods and cold heading wire for the fastener and wire forming industries for applications including cold headed fasteners, wire forms, threaded rods, tubular fasteners, wheel bolts, rivets, studs, extruded fasteners, nuts, ubolts, weld studs and muffler hangers. Beta Steel is located at 44225 Utia Rd., (P.O. Box 189002), Utica, MI 48318. Web: betasteel.com
Big Bolt Specialty Manufacturing has moved the five million pound tap bolt and non-standard Hex inventory of Erwin Screw & Bolt Co. of Chicago to the Big Bolt facility near O’Hare International Airport. Big Bolt acquired Erwin in 2010.
Founded in 1975, Big Bolt can manufacture specialty fasteners. Big Bolt stocks an inventory of blanks in all grades of Hex C/S, carriage, square and socket, a full line of tap bolts and non-standard length Hex C/S.
Big Bolt has 120 employees operating a 130,000 sq ft stocking/manufacturing facility at 140 Covington Dr., Bloomingdale, IL 60108. Tel: 630 539-9400 or 800 323-0696 E-mail: sales@bigbolt.net Web: BigBolt.net
Brighton-Best International is hosting open houses at six of its U.S. branches in the coming weeks: Chicago, March 30; New Jersey, April 5; Atlanta, April 15; Los Angeles, April 19; Dallas, May 4; and Cleveland, May 19.
Founded in 1965 in the Soho section of New York City, today Taiwan-based Brighton-Best has facilities in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. There are 19 U.S. and four Canadian locations. The U.S. headquarters is at 5855 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, CA 90805. Tel: 562 808-8000 Fax 562 808-8137 Web: BrightonBest.com
Global Fastener Network LLC is starting a marketing program with sibling company American Fastener Journal.
AFJ, which is owned by Mike McGuire, will provide profile articles on Network suppliers. The Network is owned by McGuire and Rob Lucas. Lucas also owns Hong Kong-based importer Fidelis Fasteners Ltd.
Network suppliers also will be featured in other AFJ publications.
Global Fastener Network is an importing and buying group seeking to lower the price of fasteners by importing multiple container quantities and through a supplier program. The Network is headquartered at 27081 N. 96th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85262. Tel: 480 488-3500 or 630 532-0458 E-mail: mmcguire@fastenerjournal.com or rlucas@globalfastenernetwork Web: globalfastenernetwork.com
PAM Fastening Technology Inc. named Matt Minchew director of sales and William Strother as marketing manager for hot melt systems.
Minchew returns to PAM after a role as commercial sales manager for solar energy developer SunEdison, where he managed relationships with numerous Fortune 500 companies.
Earlier Minchew was a regional sales manager for PAM for five years.
Strother will concentrate on the commercial adhesives market for PAMTite adhesive applications. Strother has chemical products sales experience and was North American marketing manager at Clariant Corp.
President Ed Minchew said PAM had record sales in 2010. “Despite the economic challenges in the build-ing industry, PAM Fastening has prospered in the face of strong nega-tive global trends in building and construction.”
Founded in 1982, PAM introduced collated screws systems in 1994. Today PAM supplies auto-feed and collated screw systems, adhesives including PAMTite and picture framing assembly equipment and fasteners. PAM is headquartered at 2120 Gateway Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28208-2733. Tel: 800 699-2674 E-mail: sales@pamfast.com Web: pamfast.com
PennEngineering appointed LillyAnna Penn to global product manager for the assembled line of products. Penn will develop short- and long-term strategy for PennEngineering’s multi-component fastener lines, including PEM brand panel fasteners.
Penn previously was strategic accounts marketing manager for Ingersoll Rand.
PennEngineering is the parent company of PennEngineering Automotive Fasteners, 3V Fasteners Company Inc. and QRP Inc.
PennEngineering operates plants in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, Ireland and China and is headquartered at 1590 Old Easton Rd., Danboro, PA 18916. Tel: 215 766-8853 Web: pemnet.com
Rotor Clip Co. hired Elmar Kampmann as a technical sales manager and global wave spring engineer.
Kampmann has five years industry experience, specializing in calculation and sales of flat wire retaining rings and wave springs. He researched his master’s thesis with a major German engine manufacturer and received his masters in mechanical engineering from the University of Applied Science in Münster, Germany.
Rotor Clip manufactures retaining rings, wave springs and hose clamps at a 238,000 sq ft facility in Somerset, NJ. The company also operates facilities in Sheffield, England, and sales offi
ces in Germany and is headquartered at 187 Davidson Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873. Tel: 732 469-7333 Web: rotorclip.com ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com