SHOW NEWS: China Show Draws From 28 Countries
The third Fastener Trade Show in Hangzho, China reported 239 exhibiting companies with 282 booths on 13,000 sq meters of space.
There were 21 exhibitors with special design exhibits totaling 52 booths.
Organized by China Fastener Info, the show was held March 23-25, 2010, at the Leisure Expo Garden Exhibition Center.
There were 123 exhibiting companies at the first Fastener Trade Show and 275 last year.
The show organizers said there were 7,662 buyers from various sectors. There were 681 from outside China, including Asia, North and South America, Europe and the Middle East.
“Owing to the recovery of the global manufacturing industry, our orders have been increasing significantly since October 2009,” observed Gao Yuanmai, general manager of Wenzhou Sanlin Metals Products Co. Ltd.
“The inventories of our customers have been almost digested, so the demand is on the rise. From this aspect, we anticipate that the sales this year will be better.”
Another exhibitor, Zhang Zhihao, vice president of SRC Metal (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., said, “As the impact of financial crisis is gradually fading, I think the fastener industry will see an earlier recovery. The orders now are more than that in 2009.”
The 4th China Fastener Trade Show is scheduled September 8-10, 2010, at the Poly World Trade Expo Center in Guangzhou. ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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