SHOW NEWS: Metals Show in Turkey Includes Fastener Section

Metkom will include a fastener section in the April 7-10, 2011, trade show in Istanbul, Turkey.
Exhibits will include fasteners, fixing equipment and production machinery; chain, wire, spring products; metals; composite products; cable industry; raw materials; chemicals; and recycling.

For information contact Hascalik Esen, Tüyap Fairs & Exhibitions Organization, E-5 Karayolu Gürpinar Kaysagi, Büyükeeknmexe 34522 Istanbul, Turkiye/Turkey. Tel: (90 212) 867 11 26 Fax (90 212) 886 9399  E-mail: candanhascalik@tuyap.com.tr Web: metkomistanbul.com  ©2010/2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com


Related Links:

• Metkom Istanbul