SHOW NEWS: Online Marketing, Pricing, Bank Credit & Differentiating Distributors Topics at 2010 STAFDA

The Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association announced workshop speakers for its 2010 convention.

STAFDA’s 34th annual convention will be November 7-9, 2010, in Phoenix.

Workshops and speakers are: “Build an Online Marketing Machine,” Bob DeStefano, president, SVM E-Business Solutions; “Differentiate Your Distribution Company,” Bill McCleave, president, W.R. McCleave & Associates; “How to Win the Battle on Price,” Tom Reilly, president, Tom Reilly Training; and “The Outlook for Distributor Bank Credit” panel of Jay Heilbrunn and Herb Shields, principals of The Distributor Board.

Alan Beaulieu of the Institute for Trend Research will give an update on the economy.

STAFDA president Robert Devers will give the Distribution State-of-the-Industry address and Andy Johnson, president of Mar-Mac Wire Inc. will give the Associate State-of-the-Industry speech.

Sarah Palin – the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee – will be the keynote speaker. ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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