SHOW NEWS: Roundup of North American 2010 Spring Trade Shows

• April 10, 2010: The Southwestern Fastener Expo has 67 exhibiting companies thus far for the trade show at the Gaylord Texan Hotel in Grapevine, TX, near D/FW Airport.

The show is in conjunction with the April 8-11, 2010, Southwestern Fastener Association’s annual spring conference.

The conference opens with a Thursday evening reception. There are business sessions and a dinner Friday. Mark Towers of Speak Out Seminars will speak on Saturday morning and there is a reception after the 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. expo.

Booths at Southwestern cost $395 for SFA members ($595 nonmembers) including basic furnishings.
Attending the Southwestern Expo is $35 for SFA members and $45 for nonmembers.

For SFA information contact executive director John Elsner. Tel: 713 952-5472 E-mail: swfa@swbell.net Web: sfa-fastener.org

• May 6-7: The first All American Fastener Show lists 25 exhibiting companies for its show at the Hilton Branson Convention Center Hotel in Branson, MO.

Heidi Volltrauer, vice president for sales & marketing at Volt Industrial Plastics, told FIN the idea for the show started with the desire for a new, centrally located and small fastener show.

Table rates are $695 and $795 for corner spaces, including basic furnishings. The attendee price is $15 in advance and $25 at the door.

The show schedule includes an opening reception on Thursday evening and the trade show from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday.

For information contact Volltrauer. Tel: 877 865-8237 E-mail: info@allamericanfastenershow.com   Web: allamericanfastenershow.com

• May 25-26: The National Industrial Fastener Show/East lists 56 companies with 62 booths for the trade show at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH.

The first NIFS show was held in Columbus in 1981. The largest show in Columbus was 653 booths in 1998.  The East show has averaged 242 booths since 2000.

NIFS/East booths cost $1,395 to $1,545 plus furnishings. NIFS/East attendee registration is $25 until April 23, then $35 in advance or $45 at the door.

The Fastener Training Institute has scheduled workshops on print reading and computer-aided design on Tuesday. There will be an opening reception Tuesday and the trade show from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday.

For NIFS information contact show manager Susan Hurley. Tel: 614 895-1279 E-mail: info@fastenershows.com Web: fastenershows.com

• June 7: The Mid-West Fastener Association will hold its 29th annual Midwest Fastener Expo at the Chevy Chase Country Club in Wheeling, IL, in conjunction with the 58th annual golf outing on June 8.  Thus far 55 companies have booked tables.

Tables for exhibitors cost $500 ($600 nonmembers). The fee includes furnishings, luncheon tickets and attendee passes for exhibitors’ customers.

The first Chicago trade show was held in 1983 and now alternates between Fastener Tech in odd-numbered years and the tabletop show in even years.

MWFA has provided $417,000 in scholarships from money raised by its trade shows and golf outings.
For information contact MWFA executive director Nancy Rich. Tel: 847 438-8338 E-mail: mwfa@Ameritech.net Web: mwfa.net ©2010 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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