6/21/2013 12:57:00 AM

ESPN interviewer Roy Firestone, football legend/television sports commentator Terry Bradshaw, former UConn basketball coach Jim Calhoun and three-time World Series champion and baseball manager Tony LaRussa will be the general session presenters during the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association 2013 convention.
STAFDA’s 37th annual convention and trade show will be November 11-13, 2013 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. 

The sports speakers are slated for the Tuesday morning session.

Founded in 1976, STAFDA has 2,462 North American distributor, manufactures, rep agent and affiliate members serving the light construction/industrial market. For information contact STAFDA. Tel: 262 784-4774  Email:  info@stafda.org Web: stafda.org ©2013 GlobalFastenerNews.com