SME Offers Discount Membership to Displaced Engineers

John Wolz

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers board approved a discount membership rate for displaced workers.
Unemployed manufacturing professionals can apply for a six-month membership with access to SME products, services and networking.

“Providing access to our products, services and knowledge is one of the ways SME can help get manufacturing practitioners back into the workplace, SME president Richard Shoemaker explained. “Our consensus is that manufacturers are facing an extended period of time before things get better and our members are being affected by cost cutting and retrenchments,” said Shoemaker, CEO of Concrete Technologies. “SME has its own economic reality but the Board is standing behind its mission and will find ways to support the manufacturing community.”

SME tools include programs for upgrading skills, job hunting and networking through local chapters, technical communities and conferences. For information: Tel: 800 733-4763 E-mail: �2009