STAFDA Announces 2004 Convention Workshops
John Wolz
Workshop presenters for the Specialty Tools & Fasteners Distributors Association 28th annual convention include last year�s keynote speaker, Frank Abagnale, teaching how to protect your company from embezzlement, forgery, counterfeit currency, check fraud, identity theft and Internet fraud. Abagnale was the subject of Stephen Spielberg�s movie, �Catch Me If You Can.� Marketing professor Roger Blackwell,, a marketiwill speak creating brand identity and turning �customers� into �fans�; author Marjorie Brody, will coach on how to give an effective sales presentation; consultant Mark Dancer, will give market research, cover manufacturer/distributor issues, channel trends related to customer service, strategic sourcing, trends among business customers, and the future of for-fee services.
The convention and trade show will be November 14-16, 2004, in San Francisco. Web: �2004