11/13/2012 4:16:00 PM
Taiwan Fastener Exports Fall in 2012

Taiwan’s fastener exports dropped 3.2% to 1.04 billion kilograms for the first ninth months of 2012, ChinaFastener.Info reports. The export value declined 3.67% to US$2.9 billion year on year.

The U.S. was the top consumer of Taiwan fasteners in September, with imports rising 12.29% to US$100 million, or 36% of overall Taiwan fastener exports, according to ChinaFastener.Info.
Other importers included Germany (8%); Japan (7%); the Netherlands (5%); and the UK (4%).

In 2011 Taiwan fastener exports rose 11.4% to 1.42 million tons for 2011. The record high export volume growth was mostly due to the increasing exports to the EU, which has been Taiwan’s largest export market, Fastener World reported.

Full-year exports totaled US$3.97 billion. ©2012 GlobalFastenerNews.com

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