3/21/2011 8:21:00 AM
Torque Management Focus of Engineering Feature
Courtesy Design Engineer
The latest developments in torque management are the focus of a feature in the new issue of Design Engineer magazine.
The article mentions the growing popularity of non-threaded fasteners while touting the control benefits of threaded fasteners.
“To ensure the security of bolted joints, engineers today rely on both equipment that monitors the torque applied to the fastener, and torque-indicating fasteners that can show whether or not the fastener tension remains correct,” writes reporter Paul Stevens.
“Assuming that joints have been designed correctly, torque management can help to ensure that joints perform as intended over the lifetime of the application.”
The latest torque wrench developments are included in the feature, as well as new indicator fastener designs aimed at combatting fatigue and leaking joints.
The Ecostud is one example. The design integrates a fastener and a tension controller into a single unit that’s fitted with a stainless steel rotor for a “fingertip” test.
For the full feature, visit Design Engineer’s website: engineerlive.com. ©2011 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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