WAFD Announces Fall Conference Program

John Wolz

The Western Association of Fastener Distributors announced the program for its 2005 fall conference October 6-8 at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa in Santa Ana Pubelo, NM.
The conference educational program will begin with the popular Business Owners Forum and Business Executives Forum.
Harold Heiter, recently retired from Infasco/Distributor Sales, and Chris Rodwick of Heads and Threads International will participate in a panel on developoing lasting customer relationships.
Fastener Industry News co-publishers Ann Bisgyer and John Wolz will summarize veteran advice from their “How to Buy Fasteners” seminar offered during Fastener Week 2005 in Chicago. The session includes the “Top 10 Tips” for purchasing staff.
Andy Scheer, co-owner of Burbank Plating Service Corp., will provide an overview of the current state of the metal finishing business, including answers to questions about RoHS compliance.
Bruce Darling, vice president of Porteous Fastener Co., will present a summary of significant product pricing changes over the past two years. Darling will also share the latest trends in steel availability and pricing.
For more information contact Vickie Lester, CAE, executive director, at P.O. Box 15754, Long Beach, CA 90815-0754. Tel: 562 425-1721 Fax 562 425-0199 E-mail: wafdhq@aol.com Web: wafd.org \ �2005 FastenerNews.com