WAFD Features Domestic Manufacturers
Jason Sandefur
Jim Witucki of Nucor, Bryan Strger of Chicago Hardware and Jamie Lawrence of AVK will be panelists on domestic manufacturers at the Western Association of Fastener Distributors spring conference.
The program also includes a presentation by Martin Calfee of Copper State; a motivation and teamwork session with Arizona State University coach Dirk Coetter and roundtable, the business owners forum and executive forums.
The spring conference will be March 1-4, 2006, at Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs in Phoenix.
For information contact WAFD executive director Vickie Lester. Tel: 562 425-1721 Fax 562 425-0199 E-mail: wafdhq@aol.com Web: wafd.org \ �2006 FastenerNews.com