Wallerstein Remains LAFA President

John Wolz

Adam Wallerstein of Askew Hardware Products will serve a second term as president of the Los Angeles Fastener Association.
John Gaudette of Metric & Multistandard Components will remain vice president. Kevin Chavis of Porteous Fastener Co. was elected secretary/treasurer, succeeding David Palmquist of ND Industries.
Board members are Ryan Hill, Hillco Fastener Warehouse, Garden Grove, CA; Mark Larson, State Industrial Supply Corp.,Tucson, AZ; Tracy Lehman, Pacific Warehouse Sales, Santa Fe Springs, CA; Tom Matulaitis, Bodycote Thermal Processing, Santa Ana, CA; Sarah Ortega, Nylok Corporation, Anaheim, CA; and Beth Van Zandt, Duncan Bolt, Santa Fe Springs.
LAFA announced three graduates of its Certified Fastener Specialist program: Brandi Agronovitz and Ted Rodriguez of Askew Hardware Products, Commerce, CA; and Aaron Dollenmeyer, Long-Lok Fasteners, Gardena, CA. LAFA now has 130 graduates of the CFS program.
For LAFA information contact executive director Vickie Lester. Tel: 877 607-LAFA Fax 877 607-LAFA E-mail: lafaHQ@aol.com Web: lafa.net\ �2004 FastenerNews.com