Participants at the Specialty Tools and Fasteners Distributors Association’s NextGen Networking luncheon received advice from business executives.
What do you look for in candidates for employment?
“I like people that know they want to come to work for Stanley Black & Decker,” said regional VP Dave Steiner. “If I was coming out of school, I’d find a company I’d want to work for and pursue them. Be aggressive, go directly to the company.”
“Education is wonderful, but willingness to learn and adapt means alot to me,” stated Allan Guthrie of DXP Enterprises.
“What an employee puts in is what they will get out it,” explained Scott Gersten – VP of On Time Supply. “Grow your knowledge of the industry and you’ll be successful.”
Are there opportunities for advancement?
Guthrie said he started in the industry in 2004 as purchasing manager; 18 months later, he was a VP of operations. “Passion and drive is key.”
Todd Offner of manufacturer’s rep agency Baxter-Rutherford said he started out in distribution but was always interested in the rep side. “There are great opportunities out there, you just have to find the right fit.”
“When you’re offered an opportunity, the answer is yes,” Steiner added.
“Your company is going to ask you to stretch yourself, and you just need to say yes alot.”
Where do I find mentors?
“The best way to get someone’s attention is to ask for advice,” said Keith Ripley of Diamond Products Limited. “People love to give it.”
Gersten advised getting advice from customers and suppliers, not just workers. “Keep on tailing and asking questions and you will find people.”
Go to conferences, Guthrie advised. “You’re right where you need to be. Latch onto somebody that you can build a relationship with.”
Steiner encouraged applicants to “reach out and ask. There are pure mentorships. Grab business cars and ask if you can contact them.”
Succession plans for retirement boom?
Put someone in place 6-12 months before someone retires, advised Rob Wallace of Ron Wallace & Associates Inc. “The hardest thing I do is hire people. You have to find someone who is self motivated.”
“Already hiring younger employees to be mentored by aging workers whose knowledge is irreplaceable,” Guthrie added.
What are the biggest challenges ahead?
“Price competition from Amazon on daily basis,” Gersten stated. “But when those people really need you, Amazon isn’t going to be there. Service is more important than cost, but you have to prove that to the customers.” Web: