Three veteran fastener salespeople with a total of 79 years of selling fasteners, offered tips on “How to Buy Fasteners” at a FastenerTech workshop.

“First, know what you are buying,” XL Screw Corporation vice president Wayne Wishnew advised. “Never be afraid to pick up the phone and ask questions.”

“What is your customer going to do with the product?” Rotor Clip Company vice president Sara Mallo counseled. “It is essential that you know how they are using the product since even packaging and finishes are crucial.”

Don’t just ask questions of your vendors – also talk to your customers, Bill Vodicka of AllStar Fasteners added. One buyer discovered an order of one-inch screws were penetrating out the back of the actual application.  By finding that out before the next order, AllStar then produced 15/16s-inch screws. “Problem solved,” Vodicka declared.


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