“World’s Largest” Title Goes to Growing Fastener Fair Stuttgart as 2009 NIFS/West Numbers Plummet
For decades the National Industrial Fastener Show has proclaimed itself the “World’s Largest Fastener Show.” The cover of the 2009 NIFS Show Directory even featured the “World’s Largest” title.
But just a month earlier Fastener Fair Stuttgart had outgrown NIFS/West.
• In October a total of 5,993 people entered the doors at the 2009 Fastener Fair Stuttgart. There were 3,943 registrations for the November NIFS/West.
FFS even topped NIFS’ total registration record of 5,620 set in 2007.
NIFS provides registration numbers including advance and onsite rather than actual attendance figures so the gap in the number of people participating at the shows is likely to be larger than the 2,050 difference between FFS attendance and NIFS registration.
• There were 625 exhibiting companies at the show in Germany vs. 497 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.
• Stuttgart exhibit space totaled at least 107,600 net sq ft. (226,044 gross sq ft) vs. 60,200 net sq ft for the 2009 NIFS/West.
NIFS’ largest booth total was 829 in 2007 – or 82,900 net sq ft.
NIFS general partner Jim Bannister disputed the FFS space. “A show of that size would have the equivalent of 1,076 10 X 10 exhibit booths and we know it was not that large,” Bannister wrote.
However, Bannister did not travel to Stuttgart to see the difference and FFS confirmed the square footage.
In the U.S. another measurement is total number of “booths.” However, since “stands” in Europe vary in dimensions rather than being based on the 10 x10 foot spaces of the U.S. the easiest comparison is calculating total square feet of exhibit space.
• Exhibit staff entering Fastener Fair Stuttgart totaled 2,210 vs. 1,885 registering for NIFS/West.
• NIFS reported registrations from 36 countries vs. 70 for Fastener Fair Stuttgart. However, Europe totals many more countries than North America’s U.S., Canada and Mexico.
FFS reported 83% came from 27 European countries. Adding Russia and CIS countries the total is 89% from “Europe.”
Direct comparisons to trade shows in China are difficult as many exhibitors have only “posters” instead of booths and co-located non-fastener shows increase numbers.
FFS registration is handled by Showdate Systems – an independent company – and reports attendance numbers to show management.
There is a separate analysis of those register in advance but do not actually walk through the show entrance. That number was about 500 this year and is not included in the FFS published figures. ©2009 GlobalFastenerNews.com
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