A result of an insufficient fastener company website is that “in absence of information the customer leaves,” Kirk Zehnder told the joint conference.

For example, traditionally distributors don’t want to show inventory levels. But today a customer may be able to login to competitors, Earnest Machine Products CEO Zehnder pointed out.

“In absence of information the customer leaves,” Zehnder finds.

Your website “bounce rate” measures the percentage of visitors who visit the site and then leave rather than viewing other pages at your web address.

What percent stay on your website? Even 35% to 40% is a good rate.

Factors affecting bounce rate include design, content and features, Zehnder said in his session on the “Economic Impact of E-Commerce.”

Today the pertinent term is “EIM” or “Extreme intolerance for mediocracy.”

Zehnder compared Earnest’s website to having four sales people work 24 / 7 or 168 hours a week.

He reported Earnest gets 145+ logins per day on EarnestMachine.com.

With repeats that has added up to 11,025 monthly sessions for the 71-year-old, three-generation Ohio-based company with branches in Georgia, Indiana and the UK.

Nearly every fastener distributor – 98% – has a web presence, Zehnder said. Of those, 18% offer specific part information. Only 4% have lead capture. More than two-thirds do not have login ability.

Noting than American Airlines developed the initial Saber system 35 years ago, many websites today are “backward,” Zehnder said.

Zehnder suggested testing your website function with friends.

Your website is vital in the $900 billion B2B market now, Zehnder noted. Current online is 10% of the B2B market, but within a decade it is expected to rise to 40%.